Our lovely hostess for this Easter special is Bev from "How Sweet the Sound". My smiling friend above is Ruby the dog with the Easter Bunny. I shot this photo at a local egg hunt and couldn't believe my luck when she gave me this big smile.
I have always wanted an Easter tree. I found this one a couple of years back at Pottery Barn and decorated it with hand painted wooden eggs, some with the grandkids name on them.

I just love Easter. The colors are so light and "Springy". Especially after the winter we've had. It's done nothing but rain for weeks. The temperature could reach the 80's this weekend.
Don't you just love Peeps? Found these a few years ago at CVS. Got them in all colors.
I couldn't believe my luck this year, Easter bottle trees!
There's nothing better than a basket full of bunny love!
These I made for each of my grandchildren for their first Easter. I can't show Dylan's because it lives with him in Hawaii.
And of course Easter wouldn't be complete without our resident Easter Princess. This photo is especially for my dear friend Karen.
Have a wonderful and blessed Easter weekend fellow Pinkies.