Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Story Time


Unknown said...

OMG, are these Grandkids up for hire. You are the luckiest person! I love how cute they look at storytime. Your photography really captures the moment.


C'est moi Claudette said...

Hello from Canada
Thought I would be different and post here instead of PS lol
I adore your beautiful grandkids. Story time looks very very sweet.
My son who is 16, has a love of reading. One thing we have instilled in all 3 of our kids.
He and his Dad are at their 6th book signing today. They co-wrote a high tech. science fiction book. It's called "Demons at the Door". It's for young teens. Your babes are still a little young.
Your granddaughters birthday is all so very PINK.
Happy PS
Love Claudie