Friday, February 26, 2010

It's Pink Saturday!!!!!

Feel The Love

I have the most beautiful refrigerator in the world. My life has had its ups and downs the past few years. Some good, many very difficult, they all have been life changing. I like where I am now. I am content and a little too busy. Most importantly I am LOVED! All I need to do is walk by my refrigerator and I am reminded what is important, what really matters. My little nuggets; Dylan, Colby and Katelyn made this amazing art just for me. When I walk by I can feel the love. I have the most beautiful refrigerator in the world.

Have a wonderful weekend fellow Pinkies. Feel the love.
Pink Saturday is hosted by the always fabulous Bev from "How Sweet the Sound"


Unknown said...

I love your refrigerator too. This is the most important artwork in the world!!! I still hang my daughter's artwork from the Christmas tree. I love your new Katy avitar by the way. Happy Pink Saturday. Alice in Wonderland here we come.


Maggie said...

Awwwwwww shucks- that is so nice! I love it!

Happy PS!

Maggie Mae
"Do these shoes match this purse?"

BethieJ said...

I LOVE your refrigerator.. it looks like mine.. and I too feel the SAME way!!
Happy PINK Saturday!

Sherry from Alabama said...

I agree, it is a beautiful frig, all full of love! Happy Pink Saturday.

Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

Theresa said...

What a touching post. It sounds like you know what's important in life. Your "altered" refrigerator is perfect! Have a wonderful week. Terri

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Dearest Joyce,

Love is the ultimate healing balm, isn't it? When I am having a bad day with my naught students, there are a couple of little girls in my class that give me a hug, bring me a box of Girl Scout cookies, or draw me a pretty picture. It makes all the bad moments melt away.

Thank you for coming to visit me! Leaving sweet comments makes our day!

Have a lovely Sunday! Anita

ThriftyAnnabella said...

No refridgerator is complete without beautiful artwork - Happy Pink Saturday a little late.

Shona Cole said...

oh that is a beautiful frigde :)
lucky you.
